Is Morgy Cyborgy?

In the Observer this week, Lizzy Ratner captures the texture of Bob Morgenthau‘s toughest race yet, leading with this scene:

In the Observer this week, Lizzy Ratner captures the texture of Bob Morgenthau‘s toughest race yet, leading with this scene:

Robert Morgenthau, the 85-year-old Manhattan District Attorney, stood in the amber-lit lounge of the Chelsea hot spot XL on a recent Monday evening, clutching a brown T-shirt that said “Look Better Naked.” The T-shirt had been given to him moments earlier by the fitness-club guru David Barton as more than 50 gay and lesbian Democrats looked on and applauded. “This is the highest honor I can bestow on anybody I admire,” Mr. Barton said.

Is Morgy Cyborgy?