ERICA: “Are you looking at wedding porn again?”
That was the question Greg posed to me at 1:36 a.m. this morning when he woke up and realized I was still staring at my laptop like a middle-aged, pot-bellied businessman tucked in at Scores for the night. Every bride has her own “porn”– the one wedding thing that really gets her blood going. For my friend Melissa it was “updos.” She started buying hair style magazines and studying the fine-art of the updo like it was her job. I got a bit worried when she began planning her weekends around her mission of finding the perfect rhinestone-studded barette.
Not that I’m one to talk. My porn is paper–more specifically, the Paper Source website. Their creamy textured pulp sends me. I’ve spent so much time on the site, I feel like I could give tours.
Jadeite, n’est-ce pas?
My most recent quandary has been deciding what color pocket folder to use with our save the date postcards. Conservatively, I’ve probably logged in 14 hours on this topic alone and I’m no closer to a decision than when I began. If I was able to demonstrate this sort of dedication to losing weight, I’d be approaching a Nicole Richie look at this point.
Here’s what I’ve covered thus far:
Blossom is pretty, but am I being insensitive to Greg by choosing something in pink?
Red is cool, but I’m not using that color anywhere else, and as we are not Chinese, this might be a bit hard to pull off.
Bluebell is pretty, but a bit too “It’s a boy!” looking for me.
Chocolate love it, but man has this color been overdone in the last couple of years.
Jadeite is pretty and their line about this being “1930’s retro” is sooo sucking me in.
I reallly wish I could pull it off, but I am so not a papaya (orange) girl.
Luxe Glass (a.k.a. White) is insanely boring, but also a good “go to” standard. Might help make the colors of the cards pop a bit?
I LOVE luxe blush, but again, am I putting Greg’s manhood in question here?
Chartreuse? Uhm, no…and no.
As I’m reminded with each passing day, these cards NEED to get out.
OK, can we all agree that Jadeite is clearly my top contender?