101 Reasons to Pull Against the U.S. in the World Cup, Cte’d

A few more reasons not to pull for the U.S. against Italy tomorrow: Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign

A few more reasons not to pull for the U.S. against Italy tomorrow:

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10. The players reportedly don’t know what their roles are, why should the fans?

11. Soccer moms: The game still has an entitled, suburban feel here, and nowhere else. The Adidas (ADDYY) ad is set in a gritty cityscape for good reason; soccer blooms in those cracks.

12. A lot of soccer moms became security moms and voted for Bush, who unleashed a piece of international aggression that has justly alienated world opinion. Let American’s international symbolism suffer, till Bush changes the policy in Iraq…

13. South America never gets any airtime. It gets it now, deservedly.

14. American uniforms are too bland/cool. Soccer is hot. The Brazilian, Italian, Trinidadian, Ecuadorian uniforms are so much wilder than ours.

15. When else do we get to be Anglophiles?

16. The Ivory Coast played like lions in losing two close games to soccer powers, and meantime we unfairly undermine the fabric of their society with cotton subsidies…

101 Reasons to Pull Against the U.S. in the World Cup, Cte’d