A Beep Never Forgets

The New York Carib News is reporting that Marty Markowitz is staying out of the 11th Congressional race, but has

The New York Carib News is reporting that Marty Markowitz is staying out of the 11th Congressional race, but has some harsh words for Chris Owens, who upset the Borough President by endorsing Gloria Mattera last year.

This guy is an opportunist. That’s all he is. I don’t wish anyone ill, except for him to be defeated which is what he wished me in my campaign (for Borough President). He endorsed the candidate outside of the Democratic Party against me, which is his right to do. He sucks up to the affluent minority. That’s who he does the dance for. That’s his thing, the affluent minority. He is turning his face on the majority.

—Nicole Brydson

A Beep Never Forgets