In the random-but-noteworthy category, this, from Choire Sicha.
Nassau County, carved out in 1899 and later given the area code 516, is the sixth richest county in the United States, according to the 2000 census. But Suffolk County, with its chic 631 area code, is only the sixth richest in New York State, ranking below Rockland and Putnam—and Manhattan, where the per capita income is more than $16,000 greater than Suffolk’s.
As for the Hamptons: According to an AP story last month on class friction in the Hamptons, the Hispanic population in East Hampton’s public schools has grown from 1% in 1990 to 35% now. The article also related how protesters show up outside a 7-11 in Southampton to voice their anger about the struggling immigrant peasants who arrive each morning, looking for day labor.
— Josh Benson