“Kevin Burke Deserves a Thanks”

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Where’s the mayor going with this?

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From today’s press conference on blackouts and Con Ed:

“I think Kevin Burke deserves a thanks from this city. He’s worked as hard as he can every single day since then, as has everybody at Con Ed. And it’s easy to go criticize but once this happened, Con Ed has been doing everything they can to bring it back. And I don’t think that I could have gone in and done any better.”

Maybe we don’t know enough about the substance of what went wrong to know the extent to which Con Ed ought ot be faulted for the blackout and the pace of recovery over the last few days.

But it seems well-established, at the least, that Con Ed’s initial, ludicrously low estimates of the number of affected customers resulted in a slow and inadequate response to what has turned out to be a really serious problem.

So what are we missing here?

— Josh Benson

UPDATE: Yoda has a theory.

“Kevin Burke Deserves a Thanks”