T is for Towers-in-a-Park?
Columbia prof and Chelsea architect Steven Holl, whose difficulties with Denver led him to drop out of a courthouse commission last month, just revealed a plan for an outer-district mixed-use center on the outskirts of Copenhagen, atop a regional rail network — the point being that you can put high-density projects outside downtown as long as you have transit.
“It’s tempting to imagine such lovely forms in the South Bronx, eastern Queens or even New Jersey, with links to airports and office-park suburbs,” Alec Applebaum writes on StreetsBlog, “but it’s hard to move this image beyond fantasy until the city gets serious about concentrating new development near transit hubs in under-built areas.”
Read also the comments to Applebaum’s post, which betray a suspicion of large lawns. For more pictures, check out the website for T-Husene. A reading knowledge of Danish is helpful.
– Matthew Schuerman