ALI: Hello blogness, I am tired and I have a nice sized headache. Feels like someone has been pulling my hair back–very tight–after Upper East Side Carrey’s up-do. I’m now on to la coiffe, the ‘do, the tresses, da hair. I’ve received references from friends, salons, and the Wedding Coordinator team peeps on the best hairstylists in town. For every person I contact, the more dough I have to lay-out in “trials.” This seems very Catch22. I have to pay them to experiment on my head and then, only if I’m lovin’ the ‘do, do we go forward and set up our Wedding Day hair date. Going rate for my head plus 4 BM’s has ranged from a $650.00 quote from Ingrid the Latin lovely from NJ, to $950.00 for Upper East Side Carrey’s work, never mind the $185 I already paid Carrey’s to perform an up-do. Now I have to refine it, in words. I need to get this email off to her tonight or I will forget all the details, the afterglow of my latest hair trial.
Dear Carrey:
Thanks for hooking me up with a pretty ‘do. Here you have my thoughts on how I’d like to tweak it a little bit:
I really liked how you ‘wove’ the curls on the sides towards the back. However, I wasn’t as crazy about the curly pouf that they graduated into. I have an idea about how you could finish it off back there instead of the pouf. Think: lattice, woven hair, singular lush curls coexisting in a knotty lattice. I just want those curls back there to look soft in that magical curling ironed way you make so nice. Yes, I will come in for a dye job soon, I trust you when you say dying my hair will not only kill the grays, but that it will soften my hair and the pouf’s frayed ends a bit.
The curls on top of head which you gently pulled back and set with hairpins on top…well those hairpins were popping out, at least two were on my floor after having bent over. How do we make this more secure without making it feel too tight? Plus, the veil and comb with have to insert there. Might be challenging.
The whole head of hair was feeling a bit tight within about five hours, yeah, about five hours later the feeling of tightness set in. The hours of the wedding are like, 3pm to 1am, so we need to figure out a solution sweetie.
The ‘bun’ in the back (aka curly pouf) had dropped down a bit, it settled almost an entire inch lower from when I left your salon I think we should set the back-of-head-look higher. It’s also more flattering to my bone structure.
I liked the look of the hair that was pulled back and looking “slicked” underneath the pouf at the nape. That added a sleakness that balanced the curly well.
I think, overall, possible more curls loose around the sides, and more in that bended curl look instead of stretchedout ringlet. Soft and romantic around the face looks better for me, but there were just like two squiggly curls up front which looked a little contrived. I think just a little more looseness around the part of the head that corresponds with the temples.
I should pay you just for reading this. Saturday, February 10, 2007–save the date hottie, you’re doing wedding hair…if you’ll have me.
PS: Carrey-hair pic attached.