Sundance Last Words: ‘He’s Driving! Pray!’

Today, Vanity Fair‘s Jessica Coen exposes Transom reporter Spencer Morgan as the man who tried to kill her at Sundance

Today, Vanity Fair‘s Jessica Coen exposes Transom reporter Spencer Morgan as the man who tried to kill her at Sundance by driving off a mountain. Yeah, he’ll do that. Fair enough! But to save face, The Transom’s boss must now reprint the text messages received that near-fateful eve which reveal Ms. Coen’s complicity in her near-death Utah experience.

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(N.B. Yes, your trusty editor, always responsible, inquired as to actual alcohol intake and found it to be surely below .08%, Utah’s legal limit. For future reference in drinks-over-time equations, Spencer weighs about 175 pounds–Ms. Coen, oh, about half that.)

JessicaCoen: Your boy spencer just almost killed me. Twice. We crashed into a snowbank on the side of the mtn. He scares me.


JessicaCoen: Just might happen bc WE HAVE TO GO BACK DOWN. I think I might drive. Is it better to kill Spencer or be killed by him???

The Transom: BETTER TO KILL! Wait: have whoevers DRINKING LESS drive.

JessicaCoen: That’s me. Obvi.

The Transom: YOU DRIVE

JessicaCoen: he’s driving. pray.

Sundance Last Words: ‘He’s Driving! Pray!’