Know this about the Hotel Gansevoort’s large billboards: They have to be at a 90-degree angle facing away from Hudson Street and more toward the meatpacking-district hotel. Currently, they face away from Hudson at about an 86-degree angle, according to sources familiar with the ongoing dispute.
The Real Estate last week got a happy email from the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. The email said the city had responded to complaints about the billboards by requiring the hotel to make adjustments to the billboards or to take them down. The city’s angle measurements, according to society executive director Andrew Berman, were probably done last week.
On Wednesday, The Real Estate got a two-sentence statement from a representative of Michael and William Achenbaum, the brothers who own the Hotel Gansevoort. The statement was attributed to Michael:
So, with the angle of the billboards being adjusted, perhaps the dispute has been resolved. Or has it?
“Signs like this belong in Las Vegas,” Mr. Berman said on Wednesday, slicing to the heart of the billboards dispute.
– Tom Acitelli