Monday, June 25th

Günter? I Just Met Her! Nobel Prize–toting novelist Günter Grass, fresh from his controversial admission of youthful membership in the

Günter? I Just Met Her! Nobel Prize–toting novelist Günter Grass, fresh from his controversial admission of youthful membership in the Waffen-SS, braves the 92nd Street Y to read selections in German from his memoir, Peeling the Onion, while actor Michael Stuhlbarg reads the same passages in English. We feel smarter already! Further south, at the Bryant Park outdoor movie extravaganza, the 1950’s Howard Hawks classic, The Thing from Another World, is playing. The scary-ass plot revolves around the discovery of a frozen alien at the North Pole which accidentally thaws out. Watch for Al Gore munching popcorn on a blanket and shouting, I told ya so!

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[Günter Grass at the 92nd Street Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street, 8 p.m.,; The Thing from Another World, Bryant Park, sundown,]








Monday, June 25th