Payne raises money for brother

Congressman Donald Payne may have violated the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law by inviting donors to a fundraiser for his brother,

Congressman Donald Payne may have violated the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law by inviting donors to a fundraiser for his brother, Assemblyman William Payne, an Independent candidate for State Senate in the 29th district. Federal law requires that invitations to local campaign fundraising events note that a Member of Congress is an invited guest, not "Congressman Donald Payne cordially invites you to attend…" And the invitation did not note that contributions must be in hard dollars, with no corporate contributions permitted. This is hardly a serious infraction, and neither Payne will likely lose any sleep over it.

More problematic for the ten-term Congressman is his refusal to support the winner of the Democratic State Senate primary, Teresa Ruiz.

Payne raises money for brother