The much-anticipated showdown between Landmark West and Congregation Shearith Israel has been postponed.
As we reported last week, the Upper West Side synagogue Congregation Shearith Israel wants to build five stories of luxury condos on top of a new community house at 8 West 70th Street. Landmark West, an Upper West Side community group, has led the opposition to the development because it feels Shearith Israel is a non-profit organization trying to make a buck.
The debate was set for tomorrow night’s Community Board 7 meeting at which Shearith Israel’s application for the eight variances that it needs for construction would be discussed. However, according to Landmark West, the meeting has been rescheduled because Shearith Israel’s application was incomplete.
The synagogue can thank Landmark for the postponement, too. The community group was able to get its hands on a letter from the Board of Standards and Appeals outlining 48 objections to the application materials submitted by the synagogue in April. They showed the letter to the folks at CB7, and the meeting was put on hold. Stay tuned. This saga is far from over.