The Morning read: Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Michael Bloomberg told Google employees in California that the country was "in trouble", and told a reporter that ruling out

Michael Bloomberg told Google employees in California that the country was "in trouble", and told a reporter that ruling out a presidential run was too “Shermanesque.”

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Jon Corzine has “some concerns” about Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan.

Niall Stanage thinks London, and Ken Livingstone, hold a lesson for New York on congestion pricing.

Christine Quinn supports it.

Eliot Spitzer said there is a “mid to late-July” deadline for the state to approve congestion pricing.

The state Assembly may approve a gay marriage bill.

City students could earn up to $500 a year for getting good grades.

20,000 people applied for 1,725 teaching-fellow positions, according to the city Department of Education.

Betsy Gotbaum released a report saying that parents of special need children need more help in their schools.

A Spitzer aide accused of threatening a Public Service Commission employee is expected to quit soon.

Cigarettes may get more expensive in New York.

Six out of the top ten donors to federal candidates are labor unions.

Bill Clinton will campaign with Hillary in Iowa, where she’s lagging in the polls.

For John Edwards, it’s all about getting Iowa right this time around.

Barack Obama apologized for racially insensitive tones in a piece of opposition research put out by his campaign.

John McCain may have trouble winning his own state of Arizona.

Bernie Kerik misses his friend Rudy Giuliani.

Every Republican presidential candidate has declined to speak at the annual meeting of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials.

A Daily News columnist wonders where Spitzer’s bold reforms are.

Seth Lipsky reviews Norman Pearlstine’s book, “Off the Record.”

And Potter, NY tries getting its groove back after “voters unwittingly banned the sale of all alcohol in the town’s 37 square miles.”

The Morning read: Tuesday, June 19, 2007