The Woman Hillary Fears …

… more than Monica, Gennifer, Paula, Belinda, Barbra, Marilyn Jo and Juanita all put together—the lovely Michelle Obama—is the featured

more than Monica, Gennifer, Paula, Belinda, Barbra, Marilyn Jo and Juanita all put together—the lovely Michelle Obama—is the featured guest at the New-York Historical Society’s “Women in Public Life” series at the annual Strawberry Festival Benefit Luncheon. This festival dates back to 1856, but we can’t quite figure out when the heck the berries come in. No matter! Mrs. Obama, as well as being married to the great Democratic hope, is an attorney and hospital administrator, and joins past Strawberry Festival speakers Anna Quindlen, Christine Quinn and—hey now!—Hillary Clinton. Elder folk, meanwhile, can take advantage of the very scary Coney Island Cyclone’s 80th anniversary, when riders in their 80’s will take the daylong celebration’s first roller-coaster ride of the day. (Um, is anybody else at all nervous about this?) The Cyclone “dream team” includes Chimilio Estanislau (84), Louis Picariello and Ed Murman (both 81), and spring chicken Seymour Wershberg (80). And you can bet these guys can still pull chicks!

[Michelle Obama at the annual Strawberry Festival Benefit Luncheon, 170 Central Park West, 12:30 p.m.,; the Cyclone’s 80th anniversary, Astroland, Coney Island,]

The Woman Hillary Fears …