Michael Bloomberg met his biggest supporter, Karin Gallet.
Wayne Barrett investigates the world of Joe Bruno.
CBS News posted a writer’s fantasy meeting with Bill Clinton.
Eliot Spitzer is considering a medical proposal that could double the size of the state budget.
Spitzer has no objections to Darren Dopp’s new job.
That doesn’t stop the fighting in Albany.
The distance between Spitzer and state leaders is growing.
There will be a call-in session today at 3 p.m. where the public can discuss state health issues.
Greg Meeks’ wife won’t run for City Council.
Kirk Nielsen writes, “In effect, Obama has pushed Hillary into the Bush camp on Cuba policy.”
Barack Obama, who has been critical of Washington lobbyists, just hired one.
In his first debate appearance yesterday, Fred Thompson appeared “unsmiling and less practiced” than the other GOP presidential candidates.
Colleague Steve Kornacki said Thompson performed with all the enthusiasm and confidence of a telemarketer reading from a script."
The New York Sun editorial board wants General Petraeus to win the Nobel Prize instead of Al Gore.
Dick Morris thinks Democrats are backing Hillary because they’re looking for a fighter.
John Podhoretz thinks Fred Thompson isn’t ready for prime time.
Judith Miller has a lengthy column defending reporters’ rights.
Maureen Dowd called Hillary Clinton’s vote on Iran “an ill-advised move.”
And Jeanine Pirro may get a convention center named in her honor.