All That Glitters? Times Building Bash Guest List Unsurprises Many

Last night, The New York Times turned its lobby into a party space, complete with couches, at least three open

Last night, The New York Times turned its lobby into a party space, complete with couches, at least three open bars and a band. Press was denied access, but as was most of the newsroom.

Except for those who were invited. A press release said that the building opened before a "glittering crowd" and here’s who they consider glittering: Thomas Friedman was there, along with reporter Helene Cooper, Maureen Dowd, Baghdad bureau chief James Glanz, Beijing bureau chief Joseph Kahn and assistant business editor and columnist Gretchen Morgenson. They all spoke on a panel to a crowd that included Arthur Sulzberger, Bill Keller, Frank Rich, Ray Kelly and–if they made it, though the Media Mob never spotted them while peering through the glass of the lobby for about 45 minutes–Eliot Spitzer, Chuck Schumer and Michael Bloomberg.

All That Glitters? Times Building Bash Guest List Unsurprises Many