7 a.m. Robin Hood’s 18th Annual Heroes Award Breakfast honoring four New Yorkers for making a difference at the Mandarin Oriental New York, 80 Columbus Circle.
8 a.m. “Day Out Against Hate” interfaith breakfast roundtable at Megar Evers College, 1650 Bedford Ave., Room 1008.
8:20 a.m. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly speaks at community breakfast hosted by Council Member Simcha Felder at The Georgie, 4424 16th Ave., Brooklyn.
8:30 a.m. Black Equity Alliance and the New York Urban League releases “State of Black New York City 2007” report at JPMorgan Chase, 270 Park Ave.
9:30 a.m. Final conference on the A.C.A.P. (Automated Content Access Protocol) standard to protect online intellectual property at The Associated Press, 450 West 33rd St.
10 a.m. World Vision releases findings of an international survey of perceptions of A.I.D.S. in The United Nations Press Room, 2nd floor, First Avenue and 46th Street.
10 a.m. Meeting of the New York City Campaign Finance Board in the O.A.T.H. Conference Room E, 6th floor, 40 Rector St.
10 a.m. to Noon Assemblyman Keith Wright hosts flu shot clinic for seniors at the Manhattanville Senior Center, 530 West 133rd St.
10:30 a.m. Staten Island borough president hosts “Citywide Day Out Against Hate” event at the Michael J. Petrides Educational Complex, Building C, 715 Ocean Terrace, Sunnyside, Staten Island.
10:30 a.m. Affordable housing groundbreaking; 212 East 7th St.
11 a.m. N.Y.P.I.R.G. releases letter from computer and social science faculty from New York State universities urging the state to replace its lever voting machines with optical scan systems on the City Hall Steps.
2 p.m. City Council oversight hearing on Willets Point in the Committee Room, City Hall.
3 p.m. Democratic presidential candidate Gov. Bill Richardson discusses immigration at the International Immigrants Foundation Building, Immigrants Hall, 7 West 44th St.
4:30 p.m. “Day Out Against Hate” roundtable discussion with N.Y.P.D. Hate Crimes Task Force members at the N.Y.C. Central Labor Council, 31 West 15th St., 3rd floor.
6 p.m. N.Y.C. Bar Association honors Michael Vecchione, Chief of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Rackets Division; 42 West 44th St.
6 p.m. Council Member Letitia James hosts a “Know Your Rights Forum” at The Church of the Open Door, 201 Gold St., Brooklyn.
6:30 p.m. Reception celebrating the 60th anniversary of the 1947 UN resolution creating the state of Israel at The New York Tolerance Center, 226 East 42nd St.
7 p.m. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hosts “A Night at the Apollo” fundraiser at The Apollo Theater, 253 West 125th St.