Sordillo positions himself as candidate with relevant international business experience

Hillary Clinton may have visited foreign countries in a ceremonial capacity as first lady, but Warren Township Mayor Victor Sordillo

Hillary Clinton may have visited foreign countries in a ceremonial capacity as first lady, but Warren Township Mayor Victor Sordillo has traveled around the world and then someas a global advisor in the service ofthat most American ofendeavors called business.

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"I believe I have the best qualifications," said the 55-year old veteran of the insurancetrade who once worked as ateacher at the University of Shanghai, overseer of copper deliveries in Peru at a timewhen the Shining Path were on the rampage, contact man for Grupo Mexico, and fieldoperations chief in Europe andIsrael, among other locales worldwide.

Elected to the Warren Township Council in 1999, Sordillo said he is "strongly considering" running for the seventhdistrict Congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Mike Ferguson. A Boston native who moved to Warren in 1991, Sordillo offers himself as the only candidate in a growing field of hopefuls who has 30 years ofexperience in international business, most recently as a global technical services advisor with the Chubb Corporation.

Sordillo is married, a father of three and a grandfather, who says he would retire from his job if elected to the U.S. Congress and travel to and from Washington, D.C. with his wife. When he put in to run for Somerset County Freeholder earlier this year in a field of five, he beat everyone but Pat Walsh, who received the GOP nomination.

In the days since U.S. Rep. Mike Ferguson announced his decision not to pursueanother term, Sordillo hasreached out to county Republican chairs, including Dale Florio in Somerset, alerting them to his interest in the seat.

"I'll be making my decision no later than the first week in January," said Sordillo, who shuns political labels and considers himself open-minded with a conservative bent.

Sordillo positions himself as candidate with relevant international business experience