Clinton Opens Up to Voters, Huckabee Asks for Rudy's Vote

Barack Obama, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have already cleared out of New Hampshire. [The Page] Sign Up

Barack Obama, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have already cleared out of New Hampshire. [The Page]

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In a reversal, Hillary Clinton has become more open with press and voters while Obama, playing to win, is more guarded. [The New York Times]

Obama needs the youth vote. [Politico]

Lynn Sweet says Obama is being secretive about his next round of fund-raisers. [Sun Times]

The New York State G.O.P. spokesman insists they are behind their former mayor. [Liz]

Mike Huckabee to Giuliani: "Hey, mayor, may I have your vote today?" [Spin Cycle]

Clinton Opens Up to Voters, Huckabee Asks for Rudy's Vote