The first New Hampsherites vote at midnight.
Mitt Romney: "We better think about somebody who can stand up with a message and go toe to toe with [Obama]."
Kevin Sheekey says only “time” will tell if Michael Bloomberg will run.
Ben says the Hillary camp has woken up.
Marc Ambinder says, don’t count Romney out.
Here’s Hillary’s closing argument.
Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee “bounce” in South Carolina.
Tom DiNapoli returns from New Hampshire, speaks positively about Clinton’s campaign.
Susan Kroll writes, John “Edwards won’t have another opportunity to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate again, so why not stick around?”
Clinton talks about her tears.
Obama says he doesn’t care to talk about them.
But Edwards does.
Bloomberg will be at Andrew Cuomo’s one-year anniversary fund-raiser.
And from the Concord Monitor’s photo blog, a scene from primary season in New Hampshire.