In the Statehouse today for the governor’s state of the state address, three Democratic congressman, two in the Sen. Hillary Clinton camp and one undecided, had three different takes on today’s developing New Hampshire primary.
U.S. Rep Frank Pallone said he believes Clinton is firmly in the fight despite her loss in Iowa and likely loss in New Hampshire.
"New Hampshire is a small state," said Pallone. "The real battle is on Feb. 5th (when New Jersey and 21 other states are holding primaries), and I believe she’s going to win the nomination. She will continue to compete before then in Nevada and South Carolina."
U.S. Rep. Albio Sires isn’t so sure.
"If she loses by 15 points in New Hampshire, it’s over," said the freshman Congressman.
Then there was U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, who hasn’t endorsed anyone for president and smiled at the suggestion that he would seize the opportunity of Obama’s surge to endorse the Illinois senator.
"I haven’t endorsed anyone and I’m not going to endorse anyone now," said Holt, who also denied he would endorse Obama if the New Hampshire frontrunner defeats Clinton tonight.