Silver, Reno, Jackson, Rezco

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has a challenger: community activist Paul Newell, who previously told me, “I think 2008 is not

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has a challenger: community activist Paul Newell, who previously told me, “I think 2008 is not a great year to be a 32-year incumbent. [Albany Project]

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Upstate Republican State Senator Mary Lou Rath will not seek re-election. [Liz

The Times Union endorses Hillary Clinton. [Times-Union

Clinton will be in Springfield, Massachusetts today as Ted Kennedy is in D.C. with Barack Obama. [CBS]

Jesse Jackson was not offended by Bill Clinton’s comments about Obama’s victory in South Carolina. [The Caucus]

The editor of a magazine on the Chicago public schools weighs in on Obama’s position on education. [Education Notes Online]

Not everyone is surprised that Tom NiNapoli found the Thruway is not efficient. [Buffalo Pundit]

Janet Reno endorses Hillary. [Miami Herald]

The funding for Atlantic Yards may be in jeaopardy. [Atlantic Yards Report

Mike Huckabee goes after Mitt Romney on the way Romney eats K.F.C. [CNN]

Romney’s spokesperson confirms the campaign is doing anti-McCain robocalls, and says there’s no problem with that. [Naked Politics]

Carrie Budoff Brown notices Obama’s stump speech echoing Malcom X. [Ben]

Sources say Tony Rezco has been arrested. [Chicago Tribune

It’s way too late to change your party registration in New York. [Reform NY

And Jason Horowitz takes a stab at celebrity reporting while on the campaign trail with Giuliani. [Daily Transom

Silver, Reno, Jackson, Rezco