Wednesday, January 16th

“I’m on a yoga retreat,” said choreographer Alexandra Beller when we reached her by phone. “In Panama on the back

“I’m on a yoga retreat,” said choreographer Alexandra Beller when we reached her by phone. “In Panama on the back of a truck on a very bumpy road. My husband and baby and I are going into town on a little excursion.” Watch out for the cannibals! Tonight she presents “What Comes After Happy,” a work of dance theater about “America’s obsession with happiness as a goal, as opposed to other cultures, which honor other states of being as important,” she told us. What comes before happiness? Skipping the gym to watch Planet Earth on DVD!

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[“What Comes After Happy,” HERE Arts Center, 145 Sixth Avenue, 8:30 p.m., 212-352-3101]












Wednesday, January 16th