10 a.m. IRS officials and Rep. Charles Rangel discuss the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-wage workers; Internal Revenue Service Harlem Taxpayer Assistance Center, 55 West 125th St. between Lenox and Fifth avenues.
11:30 a.m. Former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato and his wife introduce their newborn son; Kaufmann Boardroom, North Shore University Hospital, Entrance .3, 300 Community Drive, Manhasset.
11:30 a.m. Council Member Tony Avella joins rally protesting construction of a six-story dormitory by St. John’s University; in front of 172-10 Henley Road, between Kendrick Place and Mayfield Road, Jamaica Estates.
12 p.m. Eighty-foot long ski slope debuts at Central Park’s Winter Jam 2008; Naumburg Bandshell, Mid-Park, at 72nd Street.
2 p.m. Writers Guild members meeting; Broadway Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Times Square, 1606 Broadway, at 49th Street.
4 p.m. Village Reform Democratic Club’s pot-luck party at Wicked Willey’s, 149 Bleeker Str. Call (212) 995+VRDC for further info.
9:30 a.m. Michael Bloomberg addresses a climate change conference at the United Nations [added].
10:30 a.m. Representative Carolyn Maloney, Speaker Christine Quinn and others hold a press conference to talk about the extent of the mortgage crisis and what the feds and city are doing to address it. In the City Hall Rotunda.