'Times' Web Traffic Peaks … And Peaks Again

According to internal traffic measures, the Web site of the New York Times broke single-day traffic records this week—then broke

According to internal traffic measures, the Web site of the New York Times broke single-day traffic records this week—then broke them again the very next day.

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For the primaries on Super Tuesday, nytimes.com served up 35.9 million pages, according to a memo sent to staff this morning by company Web executives. By their count, that’s a single-day all-time traffic record. But the Web crew didn’t have much time to enjoy that—the very next day, Feb. 6, the paper’s website did 37.5 million pageviews. Times Web staff credited that traffic to the Super Tuesday madness as well:

“The most-visited page was not an article but an interactive graphic: the Democratic results map had more traffic on Wednesday than the average Wednesday traffic for the entire political site,” the memo read in part.

But it’s not all politics over there. On Feb. 3—that’s Super Bowl Sunday—the paper’s Web site served up 33.3 million pages, making it the fifth-most busy traffic day in their history.

'Times' Web Traffic Peaks … And Peaks Again