Camden GOP goes with Unanue

Camden County Republicans have endorsed Andy Unanue for U.S. Senate, putting the Goya Foods millionaire on the organization line in

Camden County Republicans have endorsed Andy Unanue for U.S. Senate, putting the Goya Foods millionaire on the organization line in the June 3 GOP primary. GOP County Chairman Rick DeMichele said he decided on the endorsment after consulting with his municipal chairs and elected officials.

"Andy isn't a career politician. His youth, energy, real world, international business experience and commitment to the core principles of the GOP make him a perfect fit for our organization and perfect contrast to Frank Lautenberg's 25 year record of failing to deliver for the people of New Jersey,” said DiMichele. "If the Democrat nominee is Rob Andrews there couldn't be a better contrast than Andy Unanue. Andrews is a career politician who supports Corzine's 800% toll increase plan and has failed to do anything to protect our borders, lower our taxes, or end Washington's wasteful spending habits that aren't just bankrupting America, but Camden County families too,"noted DeMichele.

Camden GOP goes with Unanue