Bergen County Democratic Organization Chariman Joseph Ferriero told momentsago that he is endorsing Sen. Frank Lautenberg.
"Yes, you will be receiving my statement from Lautenberg," said Ferriero in response to the question of whether he intends to endorse the senator.
The statement arrived directly and in part included Ferriero's commitment to theU.S. Senate candidate selected during the county convention process.
"I have determined that it would be precipitously inappropriate and
contrary to the Bergen County Democratic Organization bylaws to convene a second nominating convention to consider both of these candidates," the chairmansaid in his statement, referring to Lautenberg and U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews, who yesterday announced his primary challenge of the senator.
"As such, Senator Frank Lautenberg will continue to have the support of the Bergen County Democratic Organization and will be bracketed with the Organization's other candidates on the primary ballot," Ferriero said."Senator Lautenberg will receive the full support of the Party in the upcoming primary."
State Party Chairman Joseph Cryan celebrated Ferriero's statementas a victory for Lautenberg.
"The endorsement of Bergen is significant," Crayn said, "and aunited Bergen is a significant foundation for the Lautenberg campaign."
U.S. Rep. Steve Rothman, who had threatened to sue Ferriero if the chairman bucked the convention process, issued his own statement.
"Sen. Lautenberg's accomplishments have helped millions of New Jerseyans for these reasons and many more, Bergen County Democrats voted to support Sen. Lautenberg in our March 2008 convention, and absolutely nothing that has occured since then calls into question the wisdom of that decision," Rothman said.
Ferriero's full statement:
"With the entry of Congressman Rob Andrews into the race for the
Democratic nomination for United States Senate, many have expressed
themselves with passion and intensity regarding his challenge to Senator Lautenberg.
"There have been compelling arguments from both sides. The race today, for both the Republican and the Democratic Parties, is a very different one than it was on February 28th when the Bergen County Democratic Committee endorsed Frank Lautenberg in an uncontested convention.
"That argument has real merit, so much so that it forced me to weigh very carefully the pros and cons in determining whether or not the county organization should, or could, hold another endorsement convention.
"Today, the Democratic Party is fortunate to have two great candidates
vying for the nomination for United States Senate.
"Frank Lautenberg has an exceptional record of accomplishment in private business and government, depth of experience in the Senate and is respected as a man of principal. Rob Andrews offers nearly two decades of legislative experience in the House, has a real grasp of the issues, and has been a staunch advocate for the citizens of New Jersey. Both have worked extremely hard for our state and nation.
"I have determined that it would be precipitously inappropriate and
contrary to the Bergen County Democratic Organization bylaws to convene a second nominating convention to consider both of these candidates. As such, Senator Frank Lautenberg will continue to have the support of the Bergen County Democratic Organization and will be bracketed with the Organization's other candidates on the primary ballot. Senator Lautenberg will receive the full support of the Party in the upcoming primary.
"We are fortunate that we have two outstanding and highly-qualified
candidates and that through this primary process, we will emerge
stronger and better prepared to defeat the Republicans in the fall."