Glading challenges Camille Andrews to three debates

First district Republican congressional candidate Dale Glading today challenged current Democratic candidate Camille Andrews to a series of debates. Sign

First district Republican congressional candidate Dale Glading today challenged current Democratic candidate Camille Andrews to a series of debates.

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Camille Andrews is filling the ballot spot left vacant by her husband, Rob Andrews, who’s running in the Democratic senate primary. She told the Star-Ledger yesterday that she plans to run as more than just a placeholder candidate, though she will step aside if asked by party leaders.

South Jersey Democratic sources, however, say that Camille Andrews will likely be replaced by a different candidate, most likely after the June primary.

"Mrs. Andrews has said that she is not running merely as a placeholder and that her campaign is going to be about the issues,” said Glading. “Let's allow the voters to decide who is better equipped to represent them in Congress by publicly debating those issues and the challenges facing our district."

Glading wants Andrews to take him on in one debate before the June primary and two before the general election in November.

Andrews said that she will debate fellow Democratic primary opponents, but not Republicans.

"It would be presumptuous of me to debate the Republican nominee," she said. "I am respectfully asking for the voters to support my candidacy for the Democratic nomination. Of course, I will participate in any legitimate debates with candidates in our Democratic primary."


Glading challenges Camille Andrews to three debates