A couple of weeks after becoming one of the earliest and loudest critics of Council Speaker Christine Quinn over her proposed member-item reform, John Liu is publicly tweaking another one of his colleagues, this time over a more routine legislative matter.
Here’s a brief clip of Liu during a City Council hearing about biological, chemical and radiological detectors this morning, where he openly questioned the need for the legislation the committee was considering. The bill was introduced by fellow Queens Democrat Peter Vallone, Jr., whose committee meeting Liu was attending.
Here’s how Liu lashed out at Christine Quinn and her handling of the wake of the slush fund scandal at City Hall. Over this weekend, Liu participated in a protest outside of Chuck Schumer’s office urging him to support federal legislation expanding immigrants rights.
Not that this is anything all that new.Liu was the only elected official to join protesters outside of Eliot Spitzer’s office when he drastically altered his immigrant driver’s license plan. He’s the guy who once said that critics of the city budget were “crybabies,” also and (jokingly?) said he that in order to pacify them, he’d ordered a bunch of lollipops.
UPDATE: Liu points out that the bill was introduced by Vallone at the request of the mayor, which he says makes it Bloomberg’s legislation.
As for the protest outside of Schumer’s office, Liu said it’s for a cause he’s been supportive of for the last three years. Also: "I really had no idea until the last minute that it was going to be outside Senator Schumer’s office."