Whitewater Lawyer Will Advise State Police Probe

Andrew Cuomo just announced the names of two lawyers who will serve as advisers to his investigation of state police:

Andrew Cuomo just announced the names of two lawyers who will serve as advisers to his investigation of state police: Robert Fiske and Michael Armstrong.

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According to the press release, Fiske "served as Independent Counsel in the Whitewater Investigation from January to October 1994." According to the bio on his firm’s web site, he also represented Exxon during investigations of the Arthur Kill oil spill. The press release does not mention this.

Armstrong, the release notes, is currently Chairman of the Commission to Combat Police Corruption in New York City and formerly Chief Counsel to the Knapp Commission, which, under John Lindsay, conducted a major probe into widespread corruption in the police department in the early 1970s.

Whitewater Lawyer Will Advise State Police Probe