Marty Asher On His Departure from Vintage Anchor

Editors and other staff at the Knopf Publishing Group were informed this morning that Marty Asher, who has served as

Editors and other staff at the Knopf Publishing Group were informed this morning that Marty Asher, who has served as editor-in-chief of the company’s paperback division Vintage Anchor for two decades, had decided to step down in favor of a quieter, less administrative job as an editor-at-large at Knopf.

The announcement had been in the works for some time: last week, Knopf director of publicity Paul Bogaards called Mr. Asher and asked him to prepare a statement about his decision. Here’s what he got: "I will miss the day to day interaction with my Vintage Anchor family. At the same time, I am thrilled to be working with the best hardcover team in publishing."

Marty Asher On His Departure from Vintage Anchor