David Brock’s group Progressive Media has scaled back its planned $40 million effort because the Obama campaign disapproves of 527s. [The Fix]
Obama said George W. Bush’s comments about appeasement were a false attack. [AP]
Kirsten Gillibrand had a boy. [Capitol Confidential]
One of Sheldon Silver’s Democratic opponents, Paul Newell, opened a campaign office at 26 Bowery Street. (Suggestions on where Silver and his other opponent, Luke Henry, should open offices?) [Google Maps]
A lot of citywide officials have a long trip tonight to attend both the Queens County Democratic Organization’s spring fund-raiser at Antun’s in Queens Village (right near the L.I.R.R. station) and the Stonewall Democratic Club’s annual fund-raiser, on West 13th Street. [link added]
Anthony Weiner redid his legislative website to include a host of new features, including, Weiner TV. [Weiner TV]
Mayors Against Illegal Guns is running ads in Kentucky. [Liz]