Conan O'Brien's Tribute to Tim Russert: 'A Fantastically Charming Man'

Another tribute to the late Tim Russert, this time from Late Night with Conan O’Brien on On Friday, just

Another tribute to the late Tim Russert, this time from Late Night with Conan O'Brien on On Friday, just a few hours after Mr. Russert’s death was announced, Mr. O’Brien said in his monologue, "This is pretty shocking for us He’s been a pretty good friend to me and us here at the show." Mr. O’Brien added that Mr. Russert’s son, Luke, had been one of his show’s interns last year.

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Mr. O’Brien praised Mr. Russert by saying, "From the moment I met him, he put me at ease. I always told him countless times, he reminded me of my Irish Catholic uncles: Big head"—here he gestured to indicate he meant big in size, not in self-regard— "big laugh, huge heart."

Hulu also hosts The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which has a Russert Moment of Zen and The Colbert Report, which opened with a segment on him as well.

Conan O'Brien's Tribute to Tim Russert: 'A Fantastically Charming Man'