Myers camp goes high-tech in tight primary

MOUNT HOLLY – The Chris Myers campaign has gone high-tech with their last-day canvassing efforts in the Congressional District 3

MOUNT HOLLY – The Chris Myers campaign has gone high-tech with their last-day canvassing efforts in the Congressional District 3 Republican primary against Jack Kelly. According to Chris Russell, Myers campaign manager, the Mount Holly headquarters is equipped with the same technology used to streamline voter contacts during last year's county and district elections.

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Russell told that "it worked very well for us, so the Myers campaign decided to come back and use it here for this primary."

Computers at the headquarters keep track of last minute campaign efforts with databases of voters who have already been contacted by the campaign. Supporters located at the polls and equipped with BlackBerrys contact the headquarters once a particular citizen votes and notify the others not to contact that person again.

"The idea of doing it this way: One, we know exactly what's happening. Two, we're not calling people for votes. We're cutting out the waste out of the process," said Russell at the Mount Holly HQ.

Russell said close to 50 people cycle through the HQ throughout the day, roughly 100 others were out on the field at polling places and about another 50 were on the ground.

Russell said turnout had been low, but he didn't think it would have an impact on either campaign.

"It's gonna be a low turnout day," he said. "We're trying to squeeze every last drop out of Burlington and Cherry Hill that we can."

"We feel confident … we feel like we're gonna win," Russell said. "But I'm sure they [the Kelly campaign] feel the same way."

Myers and Kelly are fighting to take on Democrat John Adler for the U.S. House seat that Republican Jim Saxton has held since 1984.

Myers camp goes high-tech in tight primary