Cruise in the News

Just as his fab comic turn in Tropic Thunder has critics going nuts, the star is making other headlines. First,

Just as his fab comic turn in Tropic Thunder has critics going nuts, the star is making other headlines. First, the good news: his film Valkyrie, which was moved from this year to next (never a good sign) has now been moved back again, snagging a December 26 opening. This either means that the movie is awesome–Christmas is traditionally for award-nominee sure things like There Will Be Blood–or that producers want to hide it among the biggies. (Execs say it’s a purely commercial decision, made after a screening went well.) We’ve got our fingers crossed: at the moment, Mr. Cruise is on our good side. Even if there’s no Oscar, a hit would be great.

But also: Mr. Cruise’s longtime producing partner Paula Wagner is leaving United Artists, which she and Cruise joined in 2006. She will retain a stake in the company, while Mr. Cruise is said to be staying on.

Cruise in the News