In his weekly radio address Saturday, Barack Obama laid out a two-year economic stimulus plan "intended to create or save 2.5 million jobs, funnel money toward public works programs to repair the country’s failing infrastructure and invest in alternative energy programs."
Partly because there is "no time for a learning curve," Obama's administration will "place a premium on deep experience," writes David Sanger.
Part of Obama's "remarkably young" economic team is New York Fed Chair and Treasury Secretary-to-be Timothy Geithner, who has already been involved in trying to resolve the current crisis.
Markets rallied when Geithner's appointment was announced.
Tom Friedman thinks George W. Bush should appoint Obama's Treasury head Geithner now.
The Washington Post imagines what Hillary Clinton will do as secretary of state
A source tells the Times of the rivalry between Obama and Clinton, “They got past this long before their supporters and the party activists did,”
Clinton reportedly “feels like she’s been treated very well in the way she’s been asked."
David Saltonstall marvels at how the G.O.P. has suddenly embraced Clinton.
The Financial Times approves of all Barack Obama's appointments to date, except Clinton.
Bill Richardson will be secretary of commerce.
Adolfo Carrion reportedly met with Obama's transition team.
Andre Duque isn't happy about it, and remembers when the largest anti-same-sex marriage rally was held on Carrion's front doorstep.
The L.A. Times reports that race-related incidents and interest in the Klu Klux Klan are up.
Telling ABC "I believe we need a pretty big package here," Chuck Schumer put the price at $500 to $700 million.
Steve Forbes thinks Henry Paulson is the "worst treasury secretary we've had in modern times.”
David Axelrod told auto-makers they better have a plan.
A Midwestern urbanist writes that "for GM, bankruptcy is the only option."
Bklynpol does not particularly favor Michael Bloomberg, but agrees with on the issue that put the mayor in an "embarrassing position"–the $400 rebate checks.
Fred Siegel is harshly critical of Bloomberg in the Weekly Standard, calling him, among other things, a "knockoff of Berlusconi."
Citing a law that seems arcane, at least on the surface, city officials ordered 22 churches that shelter the homeless to close.
The city Department of Transportation doled out significant raises after Bloomberg asked agencies to cut budgets.
The M.T.A.'s "Doomsday" budget will affect $1.3 million city residents, unless Albany arranges a bailout.
A parent-blogger warns Australians about Joel Klein ahead of the chancellor's visit.
The natural gas rush that hit both Pennsylvania and the Souther Tier of New York has slumped because of gas prices, and what the companies say is too much regulation.
Meanwhile, north of the Catskills, gas industry representatives are meeting with a town board to try to reassure them that drilling won't screw uop the
The mayor of Rochester recalled more take-home police cars.
Thirty mayors in the Czech Republic asked Obama to cancel plans of a missile shield in Europe.
Amtrak will miss Joe Biden.
Michelle Obama's mom might move to the White House.