Remnick to Write Obama Book! Still Unclear: Where Does He Find the Time?

"I would never do this if I was somehow stinting the overall magazine," David Remnick told Off the Record on

"I would never do this if I was somehow stinting the overall magazine," David Remnick told Off the Record on Nov. 11. "I really never would."

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He was referring to the 12,000+ word reported piece he published for The New Yorker that week on race and America and Obama’s victory the week after the election called The Joshua Generation.

And now that article is going to be the "germ" of a new book! Michael Calderone at Politico reports that Mr. Remnick has inked a deal with Knopf to write a book about Obama and race.

Mr. Remnick joins Jon Meacham and Rick Stengel in the group of magazine editors who apparently find enough downtime to write their books. (The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza is also writing a book, a project that Mr. Remnick was initially cool to).

But it leads us to the same question as it did on Nov. 11: Where do they find the time?


Remnick to Write Obama Book! Still Unclear: Where Does He Find the Time?