Watch the never-seen, censored performance by a great American comedian

David Letterman is taking a mulligan tonight and airing a never-seen Bill Hicks monologue that The Late Show’s producers censored

David Letterman is taking a mulligan tonight and airing a never-seen Bill Hicks monologue that The Late Show’s producers censored more than 15 years ago.

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Hicks was a dark, brilliant comedian, and just 31 when this material was deemed “unsuitable” for the late-night audience. (It included bits about pro-lifers and the Easter Bunny.) Four months later, he died of pancreatic cancer. Letterman’s booked Hicks’s mother to introduce the clip, so set your TiVO accordingly — and click below to see Hicks closing his last-ever set with the same routine.

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Watch the never-seen, censored performance by a great American comedian