Kasparian won’t punish Democratic faction in Dist. 37 with a primary challenge

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New Bergen County Democratic Organization (BCDO) Chairman Michael Kasparian wants to avoid a primary blowup in a gubernatorial election year, and to that end today made it clear he has only olive branch intentions when it comes to Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-Englewood) and Assemblyman Gordon Johnson (D-Englewood).

There will be no organizational primary challenge to the two 37th District incumbents this year, he said, depite Huttle and Johnson’s initial intransigence regarding Kasparian’s candidacy and his perceived closeness to jettisoned BCDO Chairman Joseph Ferriero.

“I have no intention of challenging either Gordon or Valerie,” Kasparian told PolitickerNJ.com. “They are excellent legislators and we’re 100 % behind them.”

Kasparian won’t punish Democratic faction in Dist. 37 with a primary challenge