Mid-Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Budget

Michael Bloomberg’s gloomy budget makes the cover of the Daily News. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign Up Thank

Michael Bloomberg’s gloomy budget makes the cover of the Daily News.

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15,000 teachers could be laid off.

Bloomberg will call for increasing the sales tax.

The Financial Times has more on the city’s fiscal woes.

Adam Brodsky says Bloomberg should try cutting taxes instead.

MSNBC.com runs the headline “Mayor’s Future Imperiled by Third-Term Ploy.”

Dan Janison wonders who is advising David Paterson in the post-Charles O’Byrne era.

About 20 state lawmakers have outstanding tax warrants, one for over $20,000.

Casey Seiler suggests Antonia Novello should repay her debt to the taxpayers by shoveling his sidewalk.

A $270 million ‘sweep’ could hurt efforts to fund affordable housing.

The president of SUNY Binghamton is asking students to fight for help.

Whether or not he's guilty of a crime, the Buffalo News says Joe Bruno “surely violated any acceptable standard of behavior for an elected public servant.”

The St. Lawrence County legislature is upset with Paterson’s proposal to scale back property tax payments on state land in the Adirondack Park.

The pace has slowed, but the state retirement fund is still shrinking.

Westchester Executive Andrew Spano has seven times as much campaign cash as his presumed opponent.

Two Congress members want Citi to give up the expensive planfor Citi Field.

The city and state are fighting over $270 million in surpluses from the Battery Park City Authority.

Downtown Express also has the story.

Tony Avella continues his war for the carriage horses.

The Villager remembers Antonio Pagan.

A former Suffolk County legislator admits to taking a bribe.

Despite having a cold, Jose Rivera found time to express his displeasure over Kirsten Gillibrand.

"Well, shit, you want change, I’ve been doing change for 40 years,” says Norman Siegel.

Larry Seabrook complains about a campaign finance bill he voted for, now that he’s raising money for his re-election.

“You wave a dollar around in front of some of these people and loyalty goes out the window,” Errol Louis said this morning about some of the Democratic operatives Bloomberg hired recently.

Gillibrand’s poll numbers makes front-page news in Poughkeepsie.

Brad Hoylman, who sits on the community board in the West Village, is leading a boycott against a bakery that cooked up a bunch of “drunken negro face” cookies “in honor” of Obama.

Jessica Lappin talks about construction safety.

Polly Noonan: Tough. Cookie.

Here’s part one of the Rod Blagojevich swan song.

And here’s video of Obama trashing Wall Street bonuses. (Obama also says, "Other than the Bears, the Steelers are the team that's probably closest to my heart.")

Mid-Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Budget