Felix Gillette checks in with Morning Joe‘s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski and writes, "In real life, Mr. Scarborough lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Susan, and Ms. Brzezinski lives in New York with her husband, James. But every day, five days a week, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on MSNBC and from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on WABC, Mr. Scarborough and Ms. Brzezinski are locked together in that time-honored New York tradition: media matrimony. ’Til contract renegotiation do them part."
John Koblin talks to Sports Illustrated writer Selena Roberts about Alex Rodriguez’s criticism of her work and she says, "I think I was saying to myself, ‘That’s a really interesting take on what just happened!’… It’s not at all close to what happened. I wrote it off: It’s a diversionary tactic to throw blame on the messenger."
Leon Neyfakh wonders if there’s anyone out there who could write a book about publishing (a novel, a memoir, a work of history) and writes, "ICM agent Binky Urban does not believe it would be possible to write much of a novel about modern book publishing. ‘What is there to say?’ she said by phone Monday. ‘It’s such an internal, sort of cerebral job. "And then I edited …"? I don’t quite get how that would work, to tell the truth.’" Plus: Amid Restructuring, HarperCollins Dismantles Third-Wheel Division.
Plus: Fashion Bloggers Unite!… Gays Love a Depression!… Style Queen of The Age of Obama.