Bloomberg Wonders Who Doesn’t Want Him Helping Obama

“We’re supposed to be working together,” Bloomberg said of elected officials in government, during yesterday’s meeting of the New York

“We’re supposed to be working together,” Bloomberg said of elected officials in government, during yesterday’s meeting of the New York City Independence Party.
“Somebody the other day criticized me for trying to help President Obama. I thought to myself ‘What kind of sick person was it that wrote that? We should not all be trying to help our new president?’ I don’t care what your party affiliation is,” Bloomberg said.
One article that highlighted Bloomberg’s newfound outspokenness for Barack Obama was written by New York Post City Hall bureau chief David Seifman in a column that was published the morning of Bloomberg’s speech. The column said, among other things, “Bloomberg has become such a fervent champion of Obama in recent weeks that it sometimes seems that he — not Thompson — is the Democrat in the race.”

Bloomberg Wonders Who Doesn’t Want Him Helping Obama