The city's new archbishop, Timothy Dolan, said he will challenge efforts to make same-sex marriage legal.
A former F.E.C. commissioner gets behind Jim Tedisco's plan to extend the deadline for military voters
Nate Silver says the race in the 20th is going to Scott Murphy–and the new numbers seem to back that up.
If Phil Anderson were a doctor, he'd call this one.
Steve Israel hired a new fund-raiser.
Seriously: Eliot Spitzer just doesn't think he's going to run for attorney general. But he may keep talking about it on TV.
On a visit to Staten Island yesterday Kirsten Gillibrand spoke positively about Obama's economic policies.
New York D.A.'s have kind of dropped the ball on mortgage fraud.
The downzoning of North Brooklyn passed the community board.
Eliot Brown has a piece in the Observer on the politics of declaring the Gowanus Canal a Superfund site–which Michael Bloomberg, among others, opposes.
The Angry New Yorker is furious about the mayor's opposition.
Greg Ball is, maybe, pre-campaigning for a challenge to Representative John Hall.
The protests that took place all over the country today are in the "style" of the Boston tea party, according to The Hill, though there hasn't been much dumping of goods into water.
Marc Ambinder mounts a defense.
There were about 2,000 people at the party in Albany.
Here's what the one in Rochester looked like, courtesy of Monroe Rising.
Nancy Pelosi will order an F.D.R.-style commission to investigate what happened on Wall Street.
Secy. Clinton has a plan for defeating the pirates!
No Freedom Tower yet, but Larry Silverstein is developing a new 174-foot yacht for himself.