Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Independence, Fulani’s Race, Council Raises

David Seifman notes the irony of Michael Bloomberg hitching his wagon to Barack Obama. For example, Bloomberg didn’t endorse Obama,

David Seifman notes the irony of Michael Bloomberg hitching his wagon to Barack Obama. For example, Bloomberg didn’t endorse Obama, Bloomberg didn't say he voted for Obama, but Bloomberg now says he “endorsed” a health care plan Obama hasn’t even detailed.

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Adam Lisberg says Obama’s election proves Bill Thompson can defeat Bloomberg.

A Republican on Room 8 is not happy about Bloomberg’s love for Obama.

The city Independence Party endorsed Bloomberg for re-election.

At the event, he stopped just short of promising to fund another effort legalize nonpartisan elections.

Reporters had to leave the meeting after the mayor's speech, but could hear people laughing during the private Q&A.

Bloomberg did not give Lenora Fulani a standing ovation.

Nancy Hanks has some photos from the event.

Fulani said she may run for public advocate.

This guy says Bloomberg has the most relevant experience to be president, and that Obama should make room in his cabinet.

The restaurant where Jonathan Werbell had his going-away party is also going away.

Since Bloomberg came into office, the number of people receiving food stamps in the city has grown by 74 percent.

Cindy Adams says Rudy Giuliani will continue to look and sound like a gubernatorial candidate, but won’t actually run.

Ken Mitchell got a big raise when he was working for the City Council, but won't talk about it.

A former police chief in Mt. Vernon said it’s unfair his pension doesn’t include the overtime he racked up before leaving.

Vinny Ignizio has voted against almost as many bills as Charles Barron and Tony Avella.

Socialists say the state budget didn’t increase taxes on the rich enough.

New York State is on a gay-rights web site's list of the five states most likely to legalize same-sex marriage, in part, according to the article, because you should “never underestimate the importance of Chuck Schumer.”

There’s controversy over an anti-smoking ad running in the city because it features a three-year-old who was really made to cry.

Dan Janison thinks Bloomberg and Tom Suozzi have a few things in common.

Darryl Strawberry prefers the name Shea Stadium to the name Citi Field.

And here’s Michael Bloomberg yesterday telling the New York City Independence Party that he’s really one of them.

Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Independence, Fulani’s Race, Council Raises