Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Independence, Fulani’s Race, Council Raises

David Seifman notes the irony of Michael Bloomberg hitching his wagon to Barack Obama. For example, Bloomberg didn’t endorse Obama,

David Seifman notes the irony of Michael Bloomberg hitching his wagon to Barack Obama. For example, Bloomberg didn’t endorse Obama, Bloomberg didn’t say he voted for Obama, but Bloomberg now says he “endorsed” a health care plan Obama hasn’t even detailed.
Adam Lisberg says Obama’s election proves Bill Thompson can defeat Bloomberg.
A Republican on Room 8 is not happy about Bloomberg’s love for Obama.
The city Independence Party endorsed Bloomberg for re-election.
At the event, he stopped just short of promising to fund another effort legalize nonpartisan elections.
Reporters had to leave the meeting after the mayor’s speech, but could hear people laughing during the private Q&A.

Morning Read: Bloomberg’s Independence, Fulani’s Race, Council Raises