Morning Read, Upstate: Mayoral Control, Rockefeller Drug Snag

David Paterson threatened to veto any measures that increase state spending. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign Up Thank

David Paterson threatened to veto any measures that increase state spending.

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He's mad that legislators have been "blowing off" his proposed spending cap, without which "everybody would think we can go back to partying and we can start acting the way we acted before."

Opponents of same-sex marriage are launching their own ad blitz.

Three suburban state senators object to Andrew Cuomo's consolidation bill.

District attorneys are mad about a provision passed under the state budget they say will allow judges to seal the criminal records of ex-offenders.

Bill Hammond wrote yesterday that this could allow people with up to three convictions to get jobs as teachers and health aides.

Michael Bloomberg is happy that Sheldon Silver is backing mayoral control of schools.

The Daily News and Post are also happy with Silver.

Assemblyman Carl Heastie is seeking reimbursement for a Bronx pharmacy suspended from the Medicaid program.

Secretary of State Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, charged with regulating concert and sports tickets, has long ties to that industry.

Nassau County Democrats are delaying a decision about Roger Corbin, a county legislator facing federal charges.

A union-backed proposal would require greater disclosure from companies receiving public subsidies.

Floating: State Senator George Winner for attorney general?

Floating: Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy for governor?

The State Senate passed a tax credit for historic rehabilitation.

The Power for Jobs program will likely get a one-year extension.

Democrats distribute more member item money than Republicans.

A judge has issued an injunction against the state's expanded bottle deposit law.

And below, a video of Citizen Action endorsing Councilman Corey Ellis to be Mayor of Albany:

Morning Read, Upstate: Mayoral Control, Rockefeller Drug Snag