The Sotomayor Attacks: 2012 Republicans Throw Red Meat to a Shrinking Base

On Tuesday, the nation’s first black president announced that he would like to place the first-ever Hispanic (and only the

On Tuesday, the nation’s first black president announced that he would like to place the first-ever Hispanic (and only the third-ever woman) on the Supreme Court. By Wednesday, virtually the entire Republican establishment—including the party’s most likely 2012 presidential candidates—had united in denouncing the move.
A “Latina woman racist,” is how Newt Gingrich described Sonia Sotomayor. “Troubling,” was Mitt Romney’s summation. And, of course, there was Mike Huckabee’s cringe-worthy attack on “Maria” Sotomayor and her “far left” philosophy.
All three of these men have ample political reason to act this way: they each want to secure the G.O.P. nod in ’12 and they each recognize how

The Sotomayor Attacks: 2012 Republicans Throw Red Meat to a Shrinking Base