Cabana denies negative assault on Bucco, says his mailer fairly contrasts candidates

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BOONTON – On his way to vote in the 25th District Assembly Primary, Morris County Freeholder Doug Cabana walks down the steps of his country law office here and waves off the accusation by his most bitter rival in this contest that Cabana couldn't resist going negative.

"We put it (the Morris County Republican News) out as a comparison piece," says Cabana. "It's a comparison, it's not negative. That's negative?"

Campaign Manager George Dredden hands over a copy of the publication, which draws distinctions between Cabana's long-standing record as a freeholder and elected official and Bucco's absence of such experience.

"How low can you go when they get my own sister to put out a robocall attacking me in the context of a political campaign?" Cabana wants to know. "I'm sure Tony Bucco pressured her to do that. This is about Bucco bringing this campaign to a new low.

"All I've done, with this mailer, and with my public statements, has been to present my qualifications, and ask people if they really want a father and son representing them at the same time in the same district," says Cabana.

The news that Cabana's latest phone ad sent state Sen. Anthony Bucco (R-Boonton) to the hospital last night causes Dredden to shake his head.

"If he's that stressed, maybe it's time for him to re-evaluate public life," he says.

"The son is politicizing his father's health when what we've said all along is this contest should be about qualifications," says Cabana.

He jumps in a car to go vote.

Cabana denies negative assault on Bucco, says his mailer fairly contrasts candidates