Lonegan supporter takes solace in other conservatives’ showings

EAST BRUNSWICK — With totals showing Chris Christie maintaining a lead over Steve Lonegan, the crowd is sober and quiet

EAST BRUNSWICK — With totals showing Chris Christie maintaining a lead over Steve Lonegan, the crowd is sober and quiet at Lonegan’s rally.

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Lonegan supporter Michael Illions, a conservative activist and blogger, acknowledged that he felt “a little bit” somber about the results so far.

“We hoped to have a better foundation to build on this early,” he said. “Of course you don’t know what counties are counted yet.”

Illions did recognize a bright spot in what looked like promising results for two conservatives: the reelection campaign of Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll’s (R-Morris Plains) and Assemblyman Michael Doherty’s (R-Washington Twp.) primary challenge to state Sen. Marcia Karrow (R-Raritan), he said, seemed to be doing well.

The house band is attempting to lift spirits by leading Lonegan supporters in a rendition of "Sweet Lonegan," taken from Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline."

Lonegan supporter takes solace in other conservatives’ showings